As a social responsability investment, Ethic is committed to facilitate Social Inclusion at local and regional level, with a special focus on disadvantaged young people.

A branch of our company operates in Italy to promote and implement projects with high social impact. Our partners in these activities are mainly public institutions or PPPs (private-public-partnerships) seeking specialized technical advice. Our involvement is mainly in the form of reinvested profits or pro bono support to organize and promote joint actions aimed at facilitating social inclusion through two main channels: professionals’ trainership and social education.

Integration through employment

Capitalizing on its close collaboration with private companies and public entities, Ethic is promoting the establishment of professional trainerships for young people facing social difficulties (due to disability or other impairing conditions). This is done providing ad-hoc support in matching the private sector needs with the professionality of young disadvantaged people, often excluded from the labour market. Facilitate integration through employment, for the benefit of both the trainee and the private company, is our final aim.

Social Education

Education plays a fundamental role in favouring the creation of integration processes. Ethic, together with other institutional partners, strenghtens the social conscience of youngest citizens through targeted activities in primary and secondary schools. In collaboration with local NGOs and organizations offering social assistance, we want to disseminate a culture of inclusion through the establishment of social school curricula and the organization of awereness actions. “We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future” (F.D. Roosvelt)

For more information you can visit our website